FEI Tecnai G2 TEM

FEI Tecnai G2The FEI Tecnai TEM is a 200kV LaB6 filament TEM capable of 1.4 angstrom point-to-point resolution. It is equipped with a high-tilt, high precision motorized stage designed for 3-D electron tomography, and a liquid nitrogen cold finger system designed specifically for cryo TEM work. Together, these features allow the microscope to be used for room temperature and cryo tomography, as well as standard cryo TEM. To supplement the microscope’s tomography and cryo capabilities, BIF has a Fischione single-tilt tomography holder, a Fischione dual-tilt tomography holder, and a Gatan cryo holder with a Smart Set controller and dry pumping station in addition to the standard sample holder. The Tecnai is also equipped with a high speed AMT 2K side mount CCD camera, and a high resolution FEI Eagle 4K bottom mount CCD camera for capturing digital images.

Digital images are securely stored on the BioImaging Facility server and retrieved via the Internet using Quartz PCI. Tomograms can be transferred to the FEI Xpress3D reconstruction computer for alignment, reconstruction, and modeling with Amira software.

Funded by: CFI LEF/BCKDF


3 responses to “FEI Tecnai G2 TEM”

  1. Garnet

    The AMT camera is currently down but users can still collect data using the Eagle camera.

  2. Lacey Samuels

    I’d like updates on the FEI Technai TEM.

  3. Garnet

    Subscribe to the comments section to receive the very latest information about the BIF’s FEI Tecnai TEM.

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