Hitachi S-4700 Field Emission SEM

BIF's FESEMThe UBC BioImaging Facility’s Hitachi S-4700 FESEM is a sophisticated SEM offering preprogrammed operating modes that allow the user to switch between high and low resolution with a click of the mouse.  The S-4700 has outstanding low kV performance producing 2.5nm resolution at 1 kV at the specimen exchange position.

Utilizing one or both of the secondary electron detectors, the S-4700 is used mainly for high-resolution imaging of critical point dried, sputter coated biological samples. The S-4700 FESEM is also capable of back-scattered electron (BSE) detection using Hitachi’s energy filter allowing for compositional information based on elemental differences.

When the most natural appearance of cells and tissue is required (or dehydration with solvents and critical point drying must be avoided) the S-4700 FESEM is now equiped with the Leica VCT 100 cryo transfer system and cryo stage control. This allows frozen samples to be transferred to and imaged in the SEM while remaining under high vacuum at liquid nitrogen temperatures.

Digital images are securely stored on the BioImaging Facility server and retrieved via the Internet using Quartz PCI.
Funded by: CFI/BCKDF/Blusson