Hitachi S-2600 Variable Pressure SEM

Hitachi 2600N VPSEMThis easy to use SEM allows the operator to image either secondary electrons (SE mode) or backscattered electrons (VP mode) allowing the imaging of uncoated biological samples. The S-2600N is equipped with an X-ray detector coupled to Quartz Imaging Systems XOne software for acquisition and processing for full spectrum Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX).

Operating in the 1 – 270 Pa pressure range, the S-2600N delivers 5.0 nm resolution in VP mode. A four-quadrant backscatter detector is used to generate compositional and/or topographical images.

Digital images (8 bit) and EDX spectra are securely stored on the BioImaging Facility server and retrieved via the Internet using Quartz PCI.

This Department of Wood Science instrument is funded by: CFI/BioImaging Facility